Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Everyday Magic

Posted by kang obet  |  at  9:24 PM No comments

Nightly Offerings to resident Houshold Ghost, tales of Hypotism, ceremonial trances, Rituals to honor the spirits that accompany a baby in the wombor inhabit certain trees: the supernatural is part of everyday life in Indonesia.
I was Quite scared of the dark as achild growing up in Jakarta. Sure, Lots of kid are scared of imaginary monsters that might live under the bed, but most of the time they're told that none of them actuallly esxist.

My grandmother slept in my room one night to " have a chat" with the ghost she belived must be residing there. and to politely ask it to move on. It was considered common knowlegde that we sharing the otherwordly ; the supernatural was part of life and all sorts of thing were happening around us that we couldn't neceearily see.
Whwn I was 11 years old, my family moved to Australia, where, to my relief it seemed that, for most part, nobody realy belived in ghost. Funnily enough, this was at an age where seances and ouija boards were the thing to do at slumber parties. But I always hopedd that my disbelief thwarted the chance of anything really happening.
These Day, it isn't untl i come home to jakarta form a sojorum overseas that I realize how much i miss All the magic And mystery that is a normal part pf everyday life.
There is something poetic about traditions that require us to acknowledge the thinks wa can not see. For expats and locals alike, belifed aside, there is often a sense of respetc that is required in customary rites and observations that we migth otherwise overlook. to be continue , hana Miller....

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