Friday, September 9, 2011

Katie – the magazine that just keeps giving

Posted by kang obet  |  at  12:29 PM No comments

Katie Price has a real hoard all the gold for his latest venture, her own glossy magazine 

You may say it comes with a wave of fear that comes from the beleaguered British hacks. Already on the ropes, staggering from the blows rain accumulate on it during some recent months - decreased circulation in the terminal, phone hacking scandal - the world of journalism tremble, menyedari fully bahawa exploiters, the end of a fatal punch to land on them. Ignore any last vestiges of hope and fashion a white flag, comrades: the game is up. Famous polymath genius of our day is the staging ground and down to our area and I'm afraid your ass is history.
"Jordan magazine itself today," wrote Sun's showbiz editor Gordon Smart. "It is shiny and full of shite actually a reflection of the woman at the helm .." Bold, the words of hostility, but clearly marked with the stench of blind malignancies, such as hollow as a guarantee of spokesman Colonel Gaddafi in Tripoli bahawa everything going exactly to plan the Brother Leader. Laboriously what is the price now that's strange showbiz exclusive, in the face of a three-page paip hot gossip was revealed in Katie: My Magazine, under the headline "Things that might not know about me"? You think he'll sell every detail of his life to the latest news from gossip magazines, but you think wrong. He had a real gold hoard, designing for the day when he would take the hit on at their own game and emerge as winners, equipped with any type of news reporter would kill for.
One by one, head-turning revelation came. "I like to clean and sweep the kitchen after cooking." "I really hate the cold." And, if Lost in showbiz might be justified to choose a favorite approach for cloning, "I hate having my train of light warnings on petrol." Exposure of Fake Sheikh, a journalist working tirelessly in exposing the practice penyiasatan bleak in Wapping or expert boarders parlimen scandal: how wan, how malnutrition, how it looks dull, plays a role as they are now the auspices of the news about Katie Price feelings about light petrol warn the train. Disoal tactic under caution on receiving intimation rather than sources of off-record? LIS respectfully shows British journalists need finesse disoal under careful about their miserable failure to come up with an individual blade for detailed matching in a two-page spread of "my tattoos and what ertinya:" This is one of my first tattoo. That does not bererti nothing. "
You have, of course, already introduced to Katie: My magazine last week by my colleague Marina Hyde movement, but he chose to draw a veil over the actual content rahsia. There are people who would have suggested he might not see him, in between ads for eyelashes Katie Price, Katie Price SunKissed Glamorous makeup Gangsa Perfection, Precious Love Enchanting New Fragrance By Katie Price, Katie Price and The Comeback Girl Fabulous No 1 Bestseller Now out in hardback.
But Lis feel people just like hitting a wild animal backed into a corner, knowing bahawa time to clean up their table for them. It's not just journalists who allowed their kerjaya expensive for now Pricey at airports. As Genghis Khan's Mongol horde with connections liberal application of hair and Katie Price SunKissed Perfection Gangsa Glamorous makeup, he pressed on and so on into new areas, massacring all the previous inhabitants, rather than indict every one of them as peribadinya own territory. First up: the cuisine. Larousse Gastronomique bahawa get rid of the copy. What has the world's need for Nigella or Jamie or Ferran Adria or Heston's and the recipe for quail eggs trapped in a cage of gold-colored caramel, blessed kerana now is to display the four pages of my Sunday Roast Perfect with all the trimmings? "Beans and sweet corn: get canned or frozen, boiled, drained." "Yorkshire Pudding: buy Aunt Bessie." "Cauliflower cheese:. I bought readymade but stick it on a plate then put it in the oven to warm through" From now on: pest control. "If I see a spider in the shower cubicle, I memancutkan with Impulse syampu or until it stops moving." Stitch it, Rentokill: Jordan all in the grill, armed with a can of body spray.
And so on, crushing all competitors, leaving whatever world it really changed alights on, the previous ruler was overthrown, the new queen fitted. Who knows where he will venture beyond. Maybe we should look for the manual deployment buried in mind-blowing five pages on the newest reality show, where he talked about "bringing out another product": "but this time," he added, "I development to the people". Is he bererti cloning? Is this what marketing experts call "pelancaran perisian" for your somatic nuclear transfer by Katie Price? LIS Jordan looked shocked at the photo promoting its iPod range cloning wisely cunning appeared in front of the laity with the choice of the word iPod attached to her forehead and almost can not wait to party clothes pelancaran.

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