Friday, March 23, 2012

Neutrinos and Opportunity Time Machine

Posted by kang obet  |  at  1:45 PM No comments

In the science fiction book Timeline (1999), Michael Crichton wrote about a time machine based on modern physics: quantum mechanics. The human body is sent into the past is broken down into particles and then reassembled at the destination.
In real life, the world of science was just surprised by the findings of subatomic neutrino particles that move faster than light. The findings were announced last month that, at the end of October again tested to prove that this conclusion is not mere speculation.
As noted in the scientific journal Nature, remarkable findings that originated from the OPERA experiment, Oscillation Project with Emulsion-Tracking Apparatus. The experiment took place 1,400 meters underground in the Gran Sasso National Laboratory, Italy. Here, the scientists calculate how long the travel time of neutrinos sent from CERN, a particle physics laboratory near Geneva, Switzerland, with a distance of 731 kilometers.
The trip was apparently takes 2.4 milliseconds. The Guardian said, the results obtained after testing for three years and measure the arrival time of 15 000 neutrino. With the speed of light is 299,792,458 meters per second, neutrinos are shot at a speed of 299,798,454 meters per second has exceeded the speed of light.
According to Prof Dr Terry Mart, Head of Specialisation in Nuclear Physics and Particle Theory at the Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Indonesia, neutrinos are particles that are very light, almost massless.
The presence of neutrinos predicted by Wolfgang Pauli in 1931 to explain beta decay, a transformation of a neutron into a proton plus an electron. "Without the neutrino, the angular momentum of the reaction be the same before and after the reaction that does not comply with the law of conservation of energy," said Terry.
Neutrinos are uncharged interact with other matter only through the weak force that is able to penetrate the Earth, even the densest element, such as lead, though.
In 1934, Enrico Fermi developed a more comprehensive theory of radioactive decay involving these hypothetical particles from Pauli. These particles are called Fermi as the neutrino, in Italian means "little neutral '. With the neutrino, Fermi theory has accurately describes the experimental results.
However, new in 1959 Clyde Cowan and Fred Reines proved the presence of particles whose characteristics are similar to neutrino. Reines later received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1995 for his contribution in the discovery.
Responded to skeptics
Back on the findings of a neutrino moving faster than light, spectacular findings was received skeptically by the researchers. They are based on the opinion of James Clerk Maxwell that light speed is the highest speed in the universe.
Maxwell's theory was later refined by Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity. Many developments of modern physics is based on this theory. Thus, if there is matter in motion to exceed the speed of light, time would be chaotic.
It is not surprising that since September there are more than 80 scientific papers discussing these findings in the arXiv preprint server, a site that includes a lot of scientific work, especially physics, and is managed by Cornell University Library, the United States.
Keskeptisan that is what triggers re-finding trial. According to the CERN Research Director Sergio Bertolucci Dr., quoted by BBC News, "In recent days, we will send back the light in a variety of structures at different times to the Gran Sasso."
Neutrinos that appear in the Gran Sasso begins with proton particle beam at CERN. Through a complex series of interactions, the particles of light neutrinos and then raised it and slid through the Earth's crust to Italy. "This allows OPERA to repeat the measurements and get rid of some systematic errors," said Bertolucci explains.
Time machine
Speculation is the largest of these findings is of course the possibility of the accomplishment of the dream of scientists: a time machine. In fact, Bertolucci was tempted to comment. "We all like the idea of ​​a time machine, but it still seems very difficult."
People imagine, using the neutrino, a trip into the past and future can be done. It is of special relativity theory is taught in high school, or the particle mass becomes imaginary if the particle velocity exceeds the speed of light.
According to Terry Mart, the actual interpretation can vary. "It is possible that the particles move into the future disappear. Only if the past, it is impossible for violating the laws of thermodynamics, "he said.
However, if the OPERA experiment collaboration is correct and can be proved by other experiments, in fact Einstein's theory does not have to collapse. "It's possible that incoming neutrino four-dimensional space so that we can cover the distance with shorter," said Terry.
However, it is also possible that once Einstein's theory should be modified. Clearly, the physics back teeth.
So far, almost all modern technology-based theory of physics, from Newtonian mechanics to the theory of motion of macro objects to the theory that describes the particle dynamics of elementary matter.

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