Jakarta - the higher the popularity of online gaming. Played not only adults, the children had been carried away with the game in this virtual world. But they realize if there is a malicious program (malware) which is always haunting.
This malware also be wary of online gamers. Here are the types of attacks that often descend and malware that haunt the world of online gaming, according to security firm Eset:
The site is a fake game mode that a proliferation of Internet crime on the internet. Some of them appear with a face that has a resemblance to the original URL or a web game.
A gamer that is not likely to be alert not only infected but also be at risk of losing personal data which again may impact on the financial losses.
2. Social networking
As in the real world, we would have more trust in close friends. In the virtual world, social networking site Facebook as a place of friendship and the spread of Internet crime. Many outstanding fake Facebook account and made to commit a crime.
Worse yet are the respective states that they are legitimate producer of those games that circulate on Facebook. To that end, never give or enter confidential personal data to these sites.
3. The gameplay is infected & pirated software
Gamers are likely infected with the virus because it uses a fake computer game software or the crack. The perpetrators of the crime with the mode does not care about gamers love of gaming and gaming activities, they simply pass it through the internet to be downloaded by gamers who are not vigilant.
The game lovers are encouraged to be extra careful especially on shipment an email attachment and of course also removable media such as USB flash drives.
4. Malware
Lately the malware that attack your computer and online gaming is the most widely spread Win32/PSW.OnLineGames. This malicious program still includes a Trojan family that is normally used to perform phishing attacks and targeted specifically to online game players.
Malware of this type generally arise with keylogging and rootkit sometimes also to gather information related to online games and the player's data. The next step is the information obtained will be sent to another computer, that computer attackers.
For it is highly recommended for players in MMORPGs (Massively Multi-player Online Role Playing Games) like Lineage and World of Warcraft to remain vigilant against a potential threat to attack them.