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Support that never wavered for a Jewish state made him nicknamed "First Jewish President", and the actions of U.S. President Barack Obama in one week later sparked scorn.
In a speech at the UN General Assembly on 21 September, Obama said he was frustrated by a number of delays in the peace process, but continue to believe that the dispute shall be resolved through negotiations between Israelis and the Palestinians, and not at the United Nations.
U.S. president spoke at length about the independence and freedom in Southern Sudan, Ivory Coast, Tunisia, Egypt and Libya - the Arab Spring. But no one fracture was flung on the rights of liberty or the suffering of Palestinians.
Uri Avnery - peace activists, former members of Kensset Israel and founder of the organization "Gush Shalom" - said it was "a beautiful speech. The speech is beautiful. Languages are good. The argument is clear and convincing". In short it is a flawless speech.
Avnery also called Obama's speech as "artwork". "But almost every part of the statement in that speech is a lie. The speaker knew it was a lie. So also with the audience," Avnery said in the article on Information Clearing House on September 26.
The speech was seen as "the best and the worst act of Obama". In terms of content, Obama is considered a fundamental national interest to sell the United States to achieve a second chance in the upcoming presidential election in the land of Uncle Sam's.
Obama's speech rated as "not too good, but it is good politics". Obama treats the two sides in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict as a "force balanced".
But the President of the United States shall be deemed just look at "Israel was the one who suffers, from the past until now". A child of Israel "threatened rocket. The boy was surrounded by Arab children are filled with hatred".
Tit for tat was intercepted! All actions Obama has given him the nickname "First Jewish President" in the United States.
John Heilemann in New York Magazine's September issue, commenting on the actions of Obama, who strongly defended the interests of Israel at the UN General Assembly. When Palestinians covet the recognition of sovereignty, Obama tackle on steps the Palestinians and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' request back to the negotiating table, which of course is controlled by the U.S. and Israel.
"Obama is the best friend of Israel today," said Heillemann, was quoted as saying. In fact, since the first day in office Obama "has everything a pro-Israel. It could be that he was the Prime Minister of Israel is indeed", said with a tone of sarcasm Heillemann.
However, Obama packed his image very well. He was the first black president. His middle name is Hussein, the name of Islam. He had many friends of Islamic intellectuals, including prominent historian Rashid Khalidi.
But that is often forgotten is the proximity of Obama with the Jewish community of Chicago. That makes Obama fully understands and are familiar with the Jewish community and their views.
In a speech at the UN General Assembly on 21 September, Obama said he was frustrated by a number of delays in the peace process, but continue to believe that the dispute shall be resolved through negotiations between Israelis and the Palestinians, and not at the United Nations.
U.S. president spoke at length about the independence and freedom in Southern Sudan, Ivory Coast, Tunisia, Egypt and Libya - the Arab Spring. But no one fracture was flung on the rights of liberty or the suffering of Palestinians.
Uri Avnery - peace activists, former members of Kensset Israel and founder of the organization "Gush Shalom" - said it was "a beautiful speech. The speech is beautiful. Languages are good. The argument is clear and convincing". In short it is a flawless speech.
Avnery also called Obama's speech as "artwork". "But almost every part of the statement in that speech is a lie. The speaker knew it was a lie. So also with the audience," Avnery said in the article on Information Clearing House on September 26.
The speech was seen as "the best and the worst act of Obama". In terms of content, Obama is considered a fundamental national interest to sell the United States to achieve a second chance in the upcoming presidential election in the land of Uncle Sam's.
Obama's speech rated as "not too good, but it is good politics". Obama treats the two sides in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict as a "force balanced".
But the President of the United States shall be deemed just look at "Israel was the one who suffers, from the past until now". A child of Israel "threatened rocket. The boy was surrounded by Arab children are filled with hatred".
Tit for tat was intercepted! All actions Obama has given him the nickname "First Jewish President" in the United States.
John Heilemann in New York Magazine's September issue, commenting on the actions of Obama, who strongly defended the interests of Israel at the UN General Assembly. When Palestinians covet the recognition of sovereignty, Obama tackle on steps the Palestinians and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' request back to the negotiating table, which of course is controlled by the U.S. and Israel.
"Obama is the best friend of Israel today," said Heillemann, was quoted as saying. In fact, since the first day in office Obama "has everything a pro-Israel. It could be that he was the Prime Minister of Israel is indeed", said with a tone of sarcasm Heillemann.
However, Obama packed his image very well. He was the first black president. His middle name is Hussein, the name of Islam. He had many friends of Islamic intellectuals, including prominent historian Rashid Khalidi.
But that is often forgotten is the proximity of Obama with the Jewish community of Chicago. That makes Obama fully understands and are familiar with the Jewish community and their views.