While traveling in India a while ago, Paris made Hiton surprised by the different cultural and community conditions. One is when Paris met a beggar in Mumbai.
This Hilton hotel heir to the throne was occupied with his world tour to promote the collection of handbags and shop. However, his spirit in this sparkling city immediately faded after passing through the streets of Mumbai and its people see everyday.
"India's lovely, but some parts are still plagued by poverty. It was sad to see the babies to sleep on the streets," writes Paris via Twitter account.
When looking at a mother who beg in the streets, Paris also gave him $ 100. Because no heart, this beautiful girl decided to give all the money he was carrying, which reportedly totaled $ 2,000.
This experience inspired in Paris to use its wealth to do good. And to make it happen, she asked the fans where he should distribute the money.
"What non-profit charitable organization's most trusted here in India? After seeing what I saw, I want to make a difference," he said via Twitter.